Tryout Registration

Registering for Tryouts

Step One: When the registration window is open, athlete logs into Student Central and clicks on sport in the Dashboard. There is no submit button. Parent can also register for them as well. 

Step Two: Athlete reads concussion policy and electronically signs confirmation in Big Teams

Step Three: Parent/Guardian signs all forms in Big Teams and Magnus

Step Four: Wait for confirmation email from Big Teams or Avenues that all forms are completed and athlete is eligible for tryouts. There is no need to email the athletics department to confirm registration.

Frequently Asked Questions:

My athlete Cannot login or find email with login credentials

  • Athlete should login to Student Central and enter their email address and password. If this is the first time logging in, password is bigteams. You will be instructed to change password immediately.

How do I get a bigteams account?

  • Athletes: do not create an account.  We have created an account for you. Please refer to the previous question on how to access
  • Parents: Follow the steps below to create an account. Once you create an account you need the Student ID to link to them. Go to the next question on how to get the student account.



I am a parent/guardian and I am not connected to my athletes account

There are three different ways you a parent/guardian can get connected to an athletes account. The first two options are the quickest ways to be connected. 

Option One:
  • Login to athletes account
  • Click on My Profile and look for Student ID on right side
  • Parent/Guardian needs this Student ID to connect
  • Create an account (see steps above)
  • Watch this video on how to follow instructions to create an account, using the Student ID
Option Two:
  • Login to athletes account
  • Click on My Profile and select linked accounts
  • In this view click the green button that says Link Parent Account
  • Chose the way that you want to connect them and be sure to use the correct email of their account
  • If they already have an account it will link them. If they do not have an account it will send them an invitation to link them

Option Three:

What forms do I need to fill in?

There are two places in which you need to fill in forms:

  • Login to Student Central, click on Athletic Forms in the Sidebar and complete the forms in Big Teams.
  • Login to Magnus on OPEN and fill in all athletic requirements. You may have to scroll down to the bottom to ensure all forms are complete

How do we know when all forms are complete?

  • In Student Central, under the Forms tab, you can scroll to the bottom of the page to see the status of all your forms
  • You will also recieve an email from BigTeams when those requirements are met. This does not mean forms in Magnus are complete. Please ensure the email says this;